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Matt 26:38 Then saith he unto them, My soul is aexceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye here, and bwatch with me.


Grief is a hard emotion. One moment, everything makes sense in the world and then the next moment, you’ve lost something or someone and the world is broken. Grief is different for each person, and our Heavenly Father knew that. That is why He sent His Son. He knew that we would need someone to lean on, to cling to, as we suffer through grief. When I had a miscarriage it was hard, it hurt, but I don’t think my grief was great. my second miscarriage was different and so much harder. The miracle that came was from Christ. The grief was heavy, it lasted much longer than the first loss. Yet, paradoxically, there was peace. Peace that came from Christ’s promise of resurrection and the Plan of Salvation from our Heavenly Father. I can’t imagine all the grief that Christ felt as he took upon himself our difficulties, losses, trials, our everything. He truly felt for us, and continues to feel for us as we experience through the hard things of life.

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